Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Well I always tell people, "there are three things I know best"!!  Those things are hoes, clothes and Negroes.  The reason I say this is because I have great knowledge and experience when it comes to all three.  Now those who know me will tell you that I have been trying to build a brand for many years.  Hell, I never even consider a name for a long time.  All I knew was that I wanted to design and sell plus size clothes. Honestly, I wasn't even wrapped up in the money, I just wanted to give plus size women a boost.  Over the years, I tried to get to my goal in a number of ways, but nothing seemed to work, I guess that was God pumping the brakes.  So I waited and waited and waited..........  Last year, I started up again, and this time it was full steam ahead!!  I came up with a name for the company, along with a slogan.  I started designing shirts for the t-shirt line.  I even consulted with some major players just to get some input and insight, not because I didn't believe but wanted to be sure.  Although the entire process is hard and at times I feel like giving up I can't because I know that this is part of my calling.  

The thing about finding a company name is that it seemed as though all the good names were taken.  I had to really sit down and consider what was my driving force.  What or who inspired me?  Then it came to me, my Bigmama (Ms. Linnie Bell McCoy)!!!  My great aunt, a woman who had been more like a mother and a grandmother to me.  A beautiful woman who was strong, God fearing and loving.  A woman who has helped to usher many women into womanhood.  Growing up I remember watching her dress and thinking about how pretty she was and how I couldn't wait to be able to dress like her.  I would watch her comb her wigs and think, "I am going to wear my hair like that".  I kept thinking and realized that there are a lot of Bigmama's in the world.  Our mothers, aunts, grandmothers and even family friends.  Women who embodied strength, wisdom and God given beauty.  These women inspired generations of women just like me to be....... GREAT, STRONG, WISE AND GOD-FEARING.  I know that a lot of plus size women associate the word big with negativity when it come to body image but it is the reality of their existence.  I always say, you cant get upset when your reality presents itself because it is what it is.  So, deal with it.  

Now the slogan P.H.A.T GIRL FRESH, was my brain child.  This was the first slogan I came up with, and I immediately created t-shirts with it on them.  To me it is nice, catchy and fitting not just from plus size women.  For years, P.H.A.T has served as an acronym for Pretty, Hot and Tempting, and that is good too.  However, for me, it went deeper.  The P, symbolized and number of things for me, pretty, passionate and most of all phenomenal.  The H, is for haute because it is defined as elegant and high class but it is geared around fashion.   The A is for alluring, which mean to powerfully attract or charm, it also means to tempt.  The T, proved to have just as much to offer as the P... The T can means Tempting, talented and/or thick.  In spite of what each person chooses to capture from the letters, it is meant to empower.  To encourage plus size women to be as fly as they wanna be and not apologize for it.  To be P.H.A.T GIRL FRESH means to be strong, to be sexy, to be stylish, to be original, and to ooze confidence.  

I have so many amazing plans for Bigmama's Clothing, not one's that only benefit me but women as a whole. I want to promote and encourage  women to love themselves now.  I want them to be strong and confident now, not if or when they lose weight.  In spite of all that you are you must love yourself!!!  I want more than anything for women around the world to take back what society has robbed them of, the ability to identify with the beauty of themselves.  We are all Gods children and no one has the right to tell us that we are worthless based on our weight.  More than that, we don't have the right to give in to what other's think and we sure don't have the right not to love ourselves.  

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