Thursday, December 6, 2012

P.H.A.T GIRL FRIDAY!!! Introducing Miss Tessenie Mowatt-Mason

What's up you guys, it is officially P.H.A.T GIRL FRIDAY!!! You made it through all the hustle and bustle of the work week and now it is time for a little rest and relaxation.  Don't hesitate to love on yourself a little bit because you deserve it.  Even if you have to work, make time for you.  A little me time goes a long way. 

I know that you have seen my numerous post about the P.H.A.T GIRL CLIQUE. We already have a great number of women from different walks of life who are committed to the cause.  My goal is to spotlight different members of the P.H.A.T GIRL CLIQUE every P.H.A.T GIRL FRIDAY, in an effort to introduce them to you and the rest of the world.  This week it brings me great pleasure to present to you, Tessenie Mowatt-Mason.

Tessenie is a 25 year old  aspiring plus size model who was born December 31, 1986 in Jamaica. She attended  Mount Alvernia High School where she graduated and transitioned to Northern Caribbean University where she received a Bachelors in Business Administration.  She moved to Canada one year ago in order to further her education, in post graduate business.  Although Tessenie always wanted to be a model, she says she was told, "you have a pretty face but you are too fat."  Which is a famous insulting phrase that most full figured girls/women are quoted. Tessenie who begin modeling 4 months ago stated,  "I was so excited to learn about plus size modeling and the opportunities that existed."  After all the discouraging words, Tessenie received her big  break in July 2012 when she was chosen to walk for 7 out of 8 designers at the International Fuller Woman Expo. From that point, her career took off.  She was booked for the same show in Detroit (Sept 2012), LS 1426 Fashion Week (Nov 2012) and Curvaceous Styles Gala (local Canadian designer)when speaking about her life as a model, Tessenie humbly states,  "In my very short career, I must say I have been afforded some awesome opportunities which allowed me to network with some very powerful women in plus fashion."  her goal is to continue working hard to make her mark in the lives of women and the fashion industry by being a woman's advocate and a plus size supermodel. 

Tessenie is a wonderful young lady and I am looking forward to watching this beautiful flower continue to blossom.  It is so obvious that she is determined not only to be her best but to enrich the lives of others.  When she saw my post about joining the P.H.A.T GIRL CLIQUE, Tessenie immediately contacted me.  She didn't hesitate to comply with what I was asking and for that, I have a lot of love and appreciation for her. Her humble spirit, positive attitude and eagerness to be of service to others is the reason that I asked her to be a member of the P.H.A.T GIRL CLIQUE ADVISORY BOARD. For all of you who question your existence and why God made you the way he did, take notes from this Jamaican beauty; "I truly believe I was blessed with my curves and I want to help women like me wear their curves with confidence. Love and own your body, you only get one shot!"

or @TessenieM

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