Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I know that today is Wellness Wednesday. And I am supposed to be talking health, and in a sense I am. Because the things and people that bring you joy...... add to your life in abundance.  Which is why I have to take this time to give recognition to a person who never ask for any. A person who gives unselfishly and expects nothing in return, my God sister Ms. Danisha Morris.

I learned a long time ago that the seeds people sow into your life don't always have to be monetary.  Some times the seeds planted in your head and you heart bloom into flowers that are more beautiful than those planted in your pocket.  However, Nisha is one who plants seeds of all kinds.  She is a positive, goal, oriented woman who continues to excel at everything she does because God grace is with her.  I am honored to call her my sister and blessed to have her in my life. She has feed my soul more than she may ever know and more than I could ever express and for that I am forever grateful.

I want to extend the warmest, most heart felt HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MS. DANISHA MORRIS!!!! YOU ARE PROOF THAT BEING P.H.A.T GIRL FRESH IS NOT ABOUT THE SIZE OF YOUR WAIST BUT THE SIZE OF YOUR HEART.  You are bold, beautiful, confident and God-fearing.  There are so many woman feeding off your confidence. So many young girls who need to know your story. You are proof that hard work and determination will take you as far as you allow it and that the sky really is the limit. You are a fountain in which the waters of greatness flow. So again I say happy birthday and I love you.

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