Thursday, December 6, 2012


I know that all of you have been seeing my post about being a part of the P.H.A.T GIRL CLIQUE.  It has been brought to my attention that some of you are not totally clear on what being a part of the group entails.  The P.H.A.T GIRL CLIQUE is a diverse group of positive, confident women. The intent is to work within your communities to enrich and empower other women and girls. Don't let the name fool you, the group is a sisterhood.  Although it was birthed from Bigmama's Clothing, it is not restricted to just plus size women.  Any woman who wants to help change the lives of others and give unselfishly is more than welcome.  If you become and member and desire to start an entire chapter, we will work with you to do so. This is a service sisterhood and just as our goal is to be of service to others, we will do the same for one another.   

As a plus size woman, I know that many women and girls (especially plus sized) struggle with self-esteem, body image and other issues.  They are not strong and bold enough be happy with who they are in the face of society.  This really makes me sad but I know the feeling all to well.  As a woman we bare a lot of the worlds burdens but we are never granted the empathy that we deserve.  As the mother's of this universe we are expected to nurture and be strong no matter what.  However, the reality is that is not always the case.  There is an entire generation of daughters who have yet to find their joy.  They are ashamed of who they are because of the reality of their existence.  Things like skin color, hair texture, weight and height should never make them ashamed of who they are, but it does.   As we have heard many times, we must be our sister's keeper and it takes a village to raise a child, so we must take action.  In order to help our sisters and the next generation, we must act now.  God has not given us all of the strength and boldness not to be of service to his people.  It doesn't matter what your religion or race is, we are all committed to service, and we are all connected as sisters. 

Being a part of the group is simple, there are no monetary requirements although once the board has been completely assembled we may ask you to purchase your gear so that we can represent (our clique).  However, I promise you it will be less than $20.  We are still in the planning stages but the foundation has been laid.  The board is already being formed and paperwork is being drawn up. Program coordinators are being contacted.  We have members from New York to Canada all the way down to Georgia and across to California, making stops in both Alabama and Texas.  I am asking that all interested ladies send me a bio and a photo because we need to build a member portfolio.  The photo's will also be used for the website, blog and other advertising.  I will make it a habit of making you ladies aware of any major decisions that are being made as I want all of us to build this into something greater than we ever imagined.  If you have suggestions or ideas, pleases don't hesitate to contact me, I will be listing all of my information below.  Also, many of the members are members of a Facebook group called Full Figured Fly and Fabulous, so if you would like to get to know some of the other sisters, please check the page out.  THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!! is the email for bio and pics

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